『 HOME 』
stickersの世界Bryce 7 things

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i have a neocities profile for this page if you want to follow me :0 - neocities.org/site/moya
thank you so
much to sketch for the drawing on the
left...of me and the wife...!!
random links:
- CrystalRCM graphical nx payload launcher for macOS
- ChaoJpLayoutFixer MS IME keyboard layout switching utility
 for windows
- DemonNetworkJP fan translation group

Here are some modules other people have
made which I like
Click the "play" button on the Dreamcast
VMU to pause or resume... also, click each
module name to see its page on
The Mod Archive (or somewhere else).

- 2024-11-10(日)
- 2024-07-01(月)
- 2024-06-06(木)
- 2024-05-22(水)
- 2024-05-21(火)
- 2024-05-20(月)
- 2024-05-13(月)
- 2024-02-02(金)
- 2024-02-01(木)
- 2024-01-30(火)
- 2024-01-29(月)
- 2024-01-28(日)
- 2022-11-03(木)
- 2022-07-18(月)
added web button for maphren
added web button for 14.4mL
improved page load speed a bit, replaced wiki box with module player, added web button for TMA
a couple of visual fixes and mostly finished scans page
reverted font change due to compatibility, added japan rail jingle on page load, buttons section now scrolls
added buttons zone and weather widget; updated rating from G→PG; updated view counter design, and i also added a sakura calendar and changed the body font to be bitmap, and added the day of the week to update entries
replaced popn coffee break image very cool and awesome art by sketch on the main page
slight layout adjustments and added more banners
changed up the area around the footer and added icon to log box
make site button, added / made imac g3 gif, adjusted top box header
popn theme overhaul
site back online
added funky kong image and more
finalised layout of the page, mostly